Levels of Existence in Islamic Mysticism and Buddhist Mahayana

Author Details

Ali reza Khajegir, Sarvnaz Heidary

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Published: 11 February 2020 | Article Type :


In the comparative studies of religions and mystical schools various, terms are used which despite linguistic differences, can refer to a single truth and have many similarities. The concepts of the Buddhist trikaya and the five divine presence in Islamic mysticism are among these reforms. In most of the mystical schools, in the form of generalization of universes, there is a discussion of the mystical worldview. In these two schools. For the comparative study of cosmology, it is necessary to explain the manifestation of transcendental truth. In this regard, the two concepts of the five divine presence and the trikaya, one of Islamic mysticism and Buddhism of Mahayana, the transcendental truth, have been discussed, and the aspects if the sharing and differences of these levels of existence have been investigated. In terms of school of Mahayana .almightiness, divinity and absoluteness, they are bodhisattva, dharmakaya and nirvana. Both schools believe that the single truth for it’s appearance and presence in the material world has its own manifestation. Although this transcendental nature is mentioned by a different name, it is nonetheless referred to as a single entity.

Keywords: Trikaya, The five divine presence, Transcendental essence, universe levels, Mahayana.

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How to Cite


Ali reza Khajegir, Sarvnaz Heidary. (2020-02-11). "Levels of Existence in Islamic Mysticism and Buddhist Mahayana." *Volume 4*, 1, 8-18